the eleventh hour

and have a good day all of you..

don't turn back on your God, nothing in life is guaranted. but if you keep your faith,
 some things will be clearer than other

''there're moments in our lives, when reasons fails.the world rallies against us. It is a this moment that we discovered the most about ourselves. Those fleeting seconds, if we decided to change our lives. It is really sad however, that the man who decided to change his life on the twelfth hour dies on the eleventh. Until recently, my lfe seems to be residing towards the eleventh hour..."

video nih menceritakan tentang orang yang ingin berubah. nak berubah sebelum ajal datang menjemput.
Nak berubah untuk mencari Tuhan semula.
Ingin berubah sebelum masa the 11th tiba...

"the man who decided to change on 12th was die on 11th"

cerita pendek ini ialah hasil daripada projek persendirian pelajar2 kolej
terbitan Ash Film

cerita tentang empat Ahmad tinggal sebilik. Ahmad, nama yg sama tinggal sebilik tetapi berlainan personaliti.
Ahmad si ekstrem yg ekstrem Islam. Ahmad aktivis MSA (Muslim student Association) yg dorky dgn gaya nerd + skema. Ahmad si imigran dari Pakistan yg agak x senonoh gayanya.
Dan watak utamanya Ahmad the Rebel.

try tengok video tuh dan fahami isi yg cuba disampaikan..
xsemua akan faham apa yg ingin disampaikan
dan ada yg faham tapi xmampu nak diluahkan dengan kata2 atau jari jemari
tapi akan ada something yg akan terkesan di hati....:)


Unknown said…
rasanya mcm faham tp tak terluahkan dgn kata-kata.ape pun mmg vc ni mmg bagus. :)
sumayyah said…
akak macam na faham, tapi ta sgt..huhu..
tapi menarik ^__^
9n0L4 said…
tak dpt tgk plak video ni. huhuhu.

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